Zipcar special offer to PutneySW15 readers

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Sign up for a free newsletter from is delighted to announce a very special deal with Zipcar for all members and residents. Join Zipcar for only £10 and receive £10 FREE driving credit, and the best thing is there are cars throughout Putney!

Ever needed a car to visit family and friends this Christmas? Struggled on the tube with Christmas shopping from the supermarket or IKEA? Or just needed a car once in a while for an emergency? Well….

Zipcar provides access to more than 6000 vehicles parked around London & North America by the hour from £3.95 or day from £29. Each reservation includes free petrol, the Congestion Charge and fully comprehensive insurance.

That's not all, being a member here means your'e also a member in any of Zipcar's 13 cities worldwide, including New York, Boston, San Francisco, Toronto & Vancover.
250,000 members worldwide use Zipcar, don't miss out!


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December 3, 2008