People are warned of conmen claiming to be raising money for Africa
Young men have been spotted in Wandsworth and neighbouring boroughs claiming to be raising money for a charity called Tackle Africa.
The charity is genuine, but is keen to stress it never condones doorstep or street fundraising. If you are approached, it is a con. The men's behaviour is has been reported as sometimes threatening.
Tackle Africa Operations director Kate Algate said, “If you are approached in our name, please be aware that it is not legal. Do not give money to them – it will not reach the worthy causes we help.”
The council’s health and social care spokesman and chairman of the national Neighbourhood and Home Watch Network, Cllr Jim Maddan, said,
“It is appalling that unscrupulous people are using this charity in this way. I would urge everyone giving money to doorstep or street fundraiser to be very careful indeed. Your hard-earned money may not be going where you think it is.”
Find out more about the London-wide Support Charity Not Crime campaign.
There have also been recent reports of bogus gasworkers preying on older people in the borough. If someone calls claiming to be from the gas board, ask them to put their ID through the letterbox. Look up the utility company’s number and call to check – do not call the number printed on the ID.
If you are worried about bogus utility workers or fundraisers, or have any other safety concerns, contact the council’s community safety department on (020) 8871 6567/8894/8895.
February 26, 2016