Crime prevention officers dedicated to reducing burglary

Trained to advise you on how to make your home more secure

There were 170 reported residential burglaries last month (April ’07) and PC Bill Margetts, a crime prevention officer, believes the key in reducing burglaries lies in people investing in a 5-lever mortice deadlock (aka chubb lock) for their front door.

Pc Margetts says that a standard rim-lock alone is not always enough to keep your home secure. He said: “Have a mortice lock a third of the way up your door and strengthen the door frame by fitting a ‘London bar’ to support the locking points.”

If you have any doubts about the strength or solidity of your door or frame, you should ask an expert advice. This includes our crime prevention office.

What to do if your home is burgled

1) If you think that your home has been broken into and the burglar could still be indoors, don’t go in. Dial 999 ask for the police and wait for them to arrive.

2) If you discover a burglary and you are sure that the burglar has gone, call your local police.
3) Do not touch or move anything unless told to do so by the police, especially if it has been moved or is at the point where the break-in happened.

4) When police investigate your burglary, you will be informed of your local Victim Support Scheme and given basic home security advice.

5) Contact Wandsworth police crime prevention officers on 0208 247 8937.

For further information click on the Home Office crime prevention website


May 17, 2007

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