David Chaytor Is In Wandsworth Prison

Former labour MP is jailed in SW18

The former Labour MP, David Chaytor, who was today sentenced to 18 months in jail, has been moved to Wandsworth Prison.
However, it is not thought that he will serve his whole sentence in SW18, and is likely to be moved on reasonably soon.
Chaytor is the first politician to be convicted over a false expenses claim, and was sentenced today at Southwark Crown Court where Mr Justice Saunders said that the MPs’ expenses scandal has "shaken public confidence in the legislature and angered the public" and added that "these offences have wider and more important consequences than is to be found in other breach of trust cases."

David Chaytor, 61, is the former MP for Bury North and has now been fully excluded from the Labour Party. He fraudulently claimed more than £20,00 in expenses.

January 7th, 2011