Remembrance Day Services To Honour The Fallen

Men & women who gave their lives in the service of their country will be remembered

There will be three Remembrance Day services in the borough on Sunday, November 13. These will be at St Mary's Church in Battersea Church Road, St Mary's Church, Putney Bridge and also at Holy Trinity Church, Ponsonby Road, Roehampton.

The Putney and Battersea ceremonies will involve local dignitaries and ex-servicemen laying wreaths at their war memorials and parades involving veterans and representatives from the Royal British Legion, Burma Star Association, Royal Naval Association, army, air force and sea cadets and the Scout Movement, as well as current servicemen and women.

These services will commence at 10.45am and at 11am a two minute silence will be observed in memory of the fallen.

The Mayor of Wandsworth Cllr Jane Cooper will attend the Battersea service while Deputy Mayor Cllr Alexander Raubitschek will attend Putney's.

The Battersea parade will begin at St Mary's Church just after 11am and finish in Battersea High Street. In Putney the parade will pass along Putney High Street and into the Upper Richmond Road, where the salute will be at Wandsworth County Court.

In Roehampton, the church service at Holy Trinity will commence at 10am and just before 11am wreaths will be laid at the war memorial on Roehampton Heath, at the top of Medfield Street.

This little-known war memorial, which stands on land managed by the Wimbledon and Putney Commons Conservators, honours the men of Roehampton who fought and died in the First World War.


November 12, 2011