Next Wandsworth Mayor Expected To Be Councillor Maddan

Decision will be made at this week's annual council meeting

Ahead of the Council's Annual Meeting this Wednesday (17 May) evening the majority and opposition parties have set out their leadership teams for 2017/18.

Leader of the majority Conservative party Ravi Govindia (pictured above), is set to appoint the following councillors to his cabinet team:

Adult Care and Health: Cllr Paul Ellis
Communications: Cllr Steffi Sutters
Community Services (and Deputy Leader): Cllr Jonathan Cook
Education and Children Children’s Services: Cllr Sarah McDermott
Finance and Corporate Resources: Cllr Guy Senior
Housing: Cllr Claire Salier
Employment, Skills and Business Development: Cllr Kim Caddy

Leader of the opposition Labour party Simon Hogg (pictured above), is set to appoint the following deputies:

Deputy Leader: Cllr Fleur Anderson
Deputy Leader: Cllr Candida Jones

The annual meeting, also known as the Mayor Making Ceremony, is also expected to see Cllr Jim Maddan sworn in as the new Mayor of Wandsworth, with Cllr Ian Lewer taking over as Deputy Mayor.

Nominations for members of the council’s various scrutiny and regulatory committees have also been published and will go before the annual meeting for ratification.

May 14, 2017