Arrests Made During Screening Arch Operation

Hundreds of South Thames College Students screened

Police Community Support and Schools Officers took part in a Screen Arch Operation at South Thames College in Wandsworth last week resulting in three arrests for Possession with intent to supply and Offensive Weapon, Possession of Cannabis and Possession of an Offensive weapon.
More than1600 students were screened as they arrived, a record number for the College for this type of Operation. Queuing was kept to a minimum and the teamwork between the staff, students and officers was recorded as excellent by Wandsworth Police.
Sgt Frank Brennan of Fairfield Safer Neighbourhoods Team says:
“I think it is fair to say that this Operation was a huge success and is evidence of the close working relationship that my Team and the Schools Officers have with both staff and learners from South Thames College. As such, I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to all involved in the Operation and I am particularly pleased that disruption to normal college life was kept to an absolute minimum.
“My message to those individuals who are found in possession of knives or other weapons or controlled substances is simple and clear……... you will be arrested and suspended from College.”

September 28th, 2010