Thames Water launches a 14-week public consultation
Thames Water has launched a 14-week public consultation on plans for the proposed Thames Tunnel, which will significantly reduce sewage discharges into the River Thames.
Exhibitions have been arranged to help anyone interested understand and influence the development of the 20-mile tunnel, and have their say on the preferred route and construction sites.
An exhibition on the scheme runs at Wandsworth's Southside Shopping Centre from September 30 until October 2, starting at 10.30am each day.
There will also be a question and answer session on Twitter via @thameswater, which takes place on September 27 at 7pm.
Thames Water claims London's Victorian sewer network is not big enough to cope with a 21st
century city. Many green spaces have been concreted over, preventing natural drainage and
causing more water to enter the sewers.
Chief executive Martin Baggs, says: "Allowing sewage to continue to overflow into the
river at the current frequency is unacceptable. This causes significant environmental damage -
killing fish, polluting the river for those who wish to use and enjoy it and affecting the
wellbeing of our capital."
To take part in the consultation visit
September 21, 2010