
Wandsworth A Prime Target For LibDems

Candidate Sue Wixley says she is in "fortunate position" of her party reflecting local Remain views

Sue Wixley on Putney Bridge with Jo Swinson and local supporters
This week's announcement by local Conservative MP Justine Greening that she would not fight the next election makes her Putney, Roehampton and Southfields seat a prime target for the LibDems.

In this year's European Parliamentary elections the LibDems locally outpolled all other parties at 36.7% and with a large margin – about double Labour's (15.8%) vote and nearly four times the Conservatives' (9.6%).

“Justine has served in Parliament since 2005 and is widely considered a good constituent MP,” says Sue Wixley, who will fight the next general general election as the LibDems' candidate. “But as Justine noted on the BBC's Today programme on Tuesday (September 3rd), an MP has to represent her constituents and the overwhelming majority of Putney voters oppose Brexit and an even bigger majority oppose crashing out of the EU with no deal.”

Joe Twyman, Director of public opinion barometer Deltapoll, says: "With nearly three quarters of voters in her constituency estimated to have voted Remain and a majority of just over 1,500, Justine Greening was always very likely to struggle were a snap election to take place. Any Conservative candidate who replaces her may well face quite a battle to hold on to the seat."

Sue Wixley adds, “As the Liberal Democrat candidate in Putney, I'll be in the fortunate position of being the only person fighting the election whose party has consistently opposed abandoning Britain's leading role in the biggest market and the strongest alliance of democracies the world has ever known.

“In Putney the choice will be clear: you can vote to stop no-deal and Brexit altogether, or you can vote for Brexit with either Labour or the Conservatives.”

September 4, 2019