Dr Rosena Allin-Khan wants residents' views on how she should vote on the final deal
With the March for a People's Vote having taken place last weekend, and MPs due to vote on Brexit in the coming weeks, Tooting MP Dr Rosena Allin-Khan launched her own Tooting Brexit Poll on Friday in order to gather the views of local residents.
In the 2016 EU Referendum, Wandsworth voted overwhelmingly to remain in the EU with a large 72% turnout resulting in a 75% majority voting to remain in the EU. The Government has of course since been negotiating a deal with theuropean Union, and in a matter of weeks there will be crucial votes in Parliament.
The Tooting Brexit Poll is open for all Tooting residents to complete and send back - Dr Allin-Khan says she wants everyone to have have their say:
More than 1,000 local residents have already completed the poll which can be accessed here: www.drrosena.co.uk/brexit
Dr Allin-Khan said, "I voted and campaigned to Remain, and then voted against triggering Article 50. Brexit is the most important decision our country has made in modern times and its effects will be felt across our country for many decades to come.
"When I voted against triggering Article 50, I listened to Tooting residents. When it comes to the final proposed Brexit deal - this will be no different. I want to hear your views, I want you to guide me on how you think I should vote."
October 26, 2018