Following residents' requests for lower speed limits
Highways engineers are installing signs and road markings in the area with the new 20mph limits expected to come into force in the next few days.
The council consulted residents in the area in response to a petition asking for a 20mph limit. In Franche Court Road every response was in favour while 92 per cent of Burmester Road residents and 90 per cent of those in Aldren Road who took part in the consultation, voted in favour of the proposal.
Recently councillors approved plans for a forthcoming borough-wide consultation asking residents if they supported the idea of 20mph limits in all residential parts of Wandsworth.
Transport spokesman Cllr Jonathan Cook said, “We have introduced lower speed limits across large parts of Wandsworth and due to the support expressed by many local residents we will soon be conducting a much more widespread public consultation to test exactly how much backing there is among the wider community.
“Our view is that these changes can only be effective if they have the active backing of local people, and that it would be wrong to change the rules without first asking residents if they agree.”
January 26, 2016