Council Tax Phone Scam Alert

Latest Crime Briefing For Wandsworth Council

Trading standards officers in Wandsworth are issuing a fresh warning to residents that fraudsters are using a sophisticated council tax scam to try and steal from them.

Con-artists are using the promise of council tax rebates to obtain residents' bank details and other sensitive personal information. Armed with this important data, the fraudsters are then able to empty their victim's bank accounts.

Their latest tactic is to telephone householders and masquerade as council tax officials. They are either told they have paid too much and are entitled to a rebate, or that they have not paid enough and need to top up their payments.

In both scenarios, the caller asks for bank account details and other information such as date of birth and becomes quite insistent if refused.

The scam has been reported to trading standards in Wandsworth and is also believed to be happening in other parts of the country.

Now trading standards officers are urging people to be on their guard against the confidence tricksters and to also report any similar incidents.

Anyone receiving this kind of telephone call is strongly advised not to disclose any personal information and to report the matter to trading standards on (020) 8871 7720 or by emailing

Anyone who wishes to check their council tax account details can call (020) 8871 8081 or email

December 15, 2009