Local MP Launches Anti- Brexit Petition As Parliament Shutdown Looms
Dr Rosena Allin-Khan appeals for signatories
Tooting Labour MP Dr Rosena Allin-Khan yesterday launched a local petition against Brexit, which she has pledged to deliver personally to Downing Street on behalf of residents.
The campaign, Tooting: 10,000 against Brexit went live yesterday (September 2nd) and will run until there are 10,000 local signatures. Dr Alli-Khan said, "I'll be knocking on doors, campaigning outside schoolgates and stations, signing up local people - but in order to be successful I need your help.
"Tooting never voted for Brexit, never voted for local businesses to be worse off, and the vast majority of residents, like me and you, want to remain in the EU. I am a proud European and the democratic crisis we find ourselves in is absolutely beyond belief.
"Let there be no doubt that I will continue to do everything in my power for us to stop Boris Johnson forcing through No Deal or any other botched Brexit plan. “
To sign the petition go to www.drrosena.co.uk
September 3, 2019